This was a gravesite at the guardpost of the southwestern section. Since Stephen was with the main part of our party at the coffeehouse, I do not know the importance of this grave, but I reckon that it was a general and not just some nameless worker bees of the wall. Stephen did mention that the conscripted workers were not well-treated by the overseers of the Wall and the bodies of the dead workers were either buried in unmarked graves by the Wall, or were used as Wall filler. A lore of the Wall was that there was a newlywed couple and the husband was conscripted for the Wall the day after he was wed. The young bride pined for her husband for a year without a word, then took matters into her own hands and went to the Wall to search for him. After months of fruitless searching, she finally learned that he had died of an illness and had been buried in the Wall itself among the victims of the illness. She stood before the Wall and prayed to the gods above to return the body of her husband so she could bury him properly. The gods answered her prayers as the Wall section crumbled apart, allowing the still-recognizable body of her husband free.
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